1 of 4 – Q&A with President of Our Lady of Lourdes – Mrs. Rosemary Vander Weele

1. What are you most excited about for the 19-20 school year?
The unprecedented growth at our two campuses – as well as our tireless efforts to establish a solid infrastructure and an impressive administrative team – presents great opportunities which I am eager to address. I am also excited to witness families unite as a community to support one another in their mission as primary educators.
2. What challenges do you face at your school?
Our biggest challenge is monitoring and utilizing our available space in a way that will be mutually beneficial for both campuses. Frequently, we find ourselves searching for extra classroom space for tutoring, meetings, etc. Another challenge we face is providing continual education for parents as they try to raise holy families in such an anti-Christian culture. We are always trying to give our families opportunities for education and community, etc.
3. What challenges do you face regarding enrollment?
Our biggest enrollment challenge is having adequate space for students of families who want their children to benefit from a Catholic education. Even though the South Campus has helped relieve this burden, we still are in high demand and we work hard to balance the growth while maintaining the small community culture that is essential to authentic Catholic Classical Education.
4. How do you help new students integrate?
The faculty, staff, and families do a wonderful job welcoming new members to our school community. Having students attend Sunday Mass with their classmates’ families helps the integration process more than any program we have. We have returning families buddy up with new families. Because our focus is on whole-person formation, we help new children integrate by teaching all students the art of hospitality and the virtues of patience and friendship. Our teachers also do an amazing job of connecting with each of their students.
5. What do you want most for your students? What is success for you?
We want our students to know, love, and serve God in this life and to be forever happy with Him in the next. In short, we want our students to be saints! Success for our students is graduates who love their faith, can articulate and defend the truth with charity, and can think logically and critically. We want our students to be life-long learners who continue to pursue truth and seek wisdom in wonder. We know our students will be successful in the vocations they are called to and we want them to be leaders in the community and lead others to Christ.